About us


We employ experts in climate change mitigation and adaptation investments, research and PPP structuring to address climate change opportunities.

A core group of three partner consultants manages Verdability, each with more than 25 years of experience. Experts in specific green economy technologies complement the team

Case Study Rooftop PV Portfolio

Faster and better due diligences

We use the latest investment analysis and safe document sharing technologies. The financial tools are complemented by industry-specific software and our expertise to produce fast and precise due diligence.


Pipeline Generators Filling the gap

There is a gap between the investments needed to address climate change in mitigation and adaptation and the number and volume of bankable investments. Our consultants are known for their ability to identify, screen and prepare a bankable pipeline of projects.

Reaching A Faster Financial Close

We have taken to financial close more than 200 sustainable energy and water transactions on four continents. Our advisors have managed over $1 billion worth of debt and equity.

Professional leadership

25 Years Investing in Sustainable Energy

José Luis Bobes-Hernadez


José Luis Bobes-Hernadez MBA MSE has a track record in managing green finance facilities for various donors and development finance institutions. In Africa, these include leading several debt facilities for more than EUR 250 M, being USAID Power Africa consultant in energy efficiency financing and PPP consultants for clients both in Africa and the Americas. Bobes-Hernadez served as a transaction advisor for more than 200 transactions in Africa, the Americas, Eastern Europe, and Asia.
In addition to his unbeaten record of managing donor-funded projects, his experience also includes private sector management positions, including CEO of renewable energy IPPs, and Manager Director of Honeywell ESCO.
Bobes-Hernadez holds an MBA from Chicago Booth and a Master of Science in Engineering from Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. He is pursuing a Ph.D. in Development Finance at the University of Stellenbosch. He speaks Spanish, English, French and German.

Assessing Viability

How We Do It

Verdability leverages our long track record of expert consultants, as well as the latest technology to gather and analyse project and market data.
We are transaction-oriented. We believe the most effective way to address climate change is through bankable investments—transactions that make our homes, business, and nations more competitive and climate-resilient.

Our experience implementing sustainable technology and investments in developed economies and emerging markets continues to be a winning proposition.

  • Best Practices and Original Research 90% 90%
  • Hit rate  from pipeline to portfolio 72% 72%
  • Deals for SMEs 52% 52%
  • Deals in emerging markets 88% 88%
  • Policy Advisement 73% 73%

Verdability’s successful transaction advisory work leads to bankable projects and reliable financial close.

Verdability policy advice is based on quantitative research and our qualitative experience implementing projects in Africa, Latin America, and Asian emerging markets.

Driving Change

Why We Do It

The transformation of the global energy system needs to be substantially accelerated to meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement. To limit the rise of the average global temperatures below 2°C and ideally to 1.5 °C, by the end of the century, means the amount of mitigation investment needs to double. The supply of renewable energy can increase sustainable electrification in the energy service sector. Energy efficiency can reduce more than 90% of global emissions.
In the power sector, the global energy transformation will require investments of US$22.5 trillion in new renewable technology by 2050. It would imply at least a doubling of annual investments compared to the current level of US$310 billion to more than US$660 billion.


To reach Paris Agreement investments in sustainable energy have to grow 100%—double the current level


Private sector investments needs to comprise 80% of required the investment

Verdability Clients

Trusted Around the Globe

We have implemented numerous innovative financial instruments such as energy efficiency loan guarantees and standardized project finance for small- and medium-sized projects in more than 60 countries

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